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Applications Funded

We fund multiple applications every year. Here are just a few examples of applications that have been successful in receiving funding during the last year:


We bought a specialist Car Seat for Teddy who has two rare genetic
conditions affecting his mobility (PGK/1 Phosphoglycerate kinase and TLK/2 Toussled like Kinase).


The first affects some of his muscles, causing weakness and tightening, and this is evident in his legs. The latter genetic condition means he has severe learning difficulties and is unable to speak.

The car seat provides full bodily support and security and swivels enabling
ease of access and reduction in discomfort for his parents.

Specialist Car



We funded a specialist Trike for a Harry who has Cerebal Palsy (with
right sided hemiplegia meaning he has no use of his right arm or hand),
autistic spectrum disorder, epilepsy and moderate learning difficulties.


The Trike not only helps with physio, to strengthen his right leg, but also means that Harry can join in cycling activities and have fun with his friends and family.

Specialist Trike


We funded an Assistive Puppy for Evan who has autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, low muscle tone, moderate learning difficulties and global development delay.


The dog (who Evan has named Cooper) is being trained to specifically support Evan to help calm him and aide him in his independence. For example, once fully trained, Cooper will respond to Evan’s repetitive behaviours and ticks, give comfort when anxious and help build Evan’s confidence and focus.

Assistive Puppy


If you think we may be able to support your child, then we'd love to hear from you!

Thank you for giving our daughter what we could not! I just can't thank you and your colleagues enough, not only for this, but also for making the process fast, easy and stress free. When we are in the position to, we'll be giving back to this charity who has given us so much!


Just to let you know that the car seat arrived today! As soon as we're able to we will fit it in the car and I will forward you some pictures of him enjoying his new seat! Thank you so much again, it means a great deal!


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Companies House: 07966258
Charity Commission: 1152478

© Starburst Foundation 2025

Site updated and maintained by Jack Pollock

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